Stereograph of people picking cotton in a field COLORIZED (Download)

11.242 inches x 6.71 inches @ 600 pixels/inch resolution
photograph digital enhancement copyright Van Sverigen Technologies
Photograph by
J. N. Wilson, American, 1827 - 1897
Subject of
Unidentified Child or Children
Unidentified Man or Men
Unidentified Woman or Women
An untitled stereograph printed by J. N. Wilson of Savannah, Georgia. The albumen prints depicts a group of eight (8) people clustered near each other in a cotton field. The men, women, and children are all picking cotton or looking away from the camera except for a young man in the center foreground who stands and looks into the lens with a large picking sack hanging down on his right front side and his right hand balancing a full basket of cotton bolls on his head. A large white building can be seen in the far center background with smaller buildings around it amongst a grove of trees.