Soldiers in World War One at Verdun COLORIZED (Download)

14.92 inches x 20.5 inches @ 400 pixels/inch resolution
photograph digital enhancement copyright Van Sverigen Technologies 2021

Photograph by

Subject of

Oscar Calmeise, American, born 1889

Unidentified Man or Men
372nd Infantry Regiment, American, 1918 - 1946

July 1918

A photograph of Oscar Calmeise (far right) and five other unidentified soldiers during World War One. The group is posed sitting atop a pile of stones in Verdun, France. The men are all looking at the camera. Five men sit in a row, while a sixth man sits below the others. They are all wearing helmets and uniforms. During the photograph sitting,  passing shells are going over head, Verdun Hill, July 1918. Original photograph in the public domain.